Petya Shmarova Masterclass
We apologize for the need to reschedule Petya Shmarova's April 2024 classes due to scheduling conflicts. A new date will be announced later.
Petya Shmarova is a Sugarcrafter from Bulgaria. She is an author, judge, international teacher, demonstrator and multiple award winner. Her book "Wafer Paper Flowers" was published in 2016 and was the first book covering how to create realistic-looking flowers from wafer paper. She has been working with gumpaste, cold porcelain, royal icing and sugerpaste, but her true love and passion are Wafer Paper. She is creating the Wafer Paper flowers in a unique style and way, being the first to start the realistic trend in wafer paper flowers. That edible material is turning into a very trendy one in cake decorating.
Petya has articles published in The British Sugarcraft Guild Newsletter, Cakes and Sugarcraft and Cake Decoration. She is an accredited tutor and demonstrator for leading UK Cake Decoration Companies such as Patchwork Cutters and PME. Petya has sat on the judging panel for the sugar flowers category of London and Birmingham Cake International Competitions 2019 and demonstrated and judged for Virtual Events – Cake International, Cake Fiesta Manila 2020/2021. During the past years, she has taught classes in the UK, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Dubai, Brazil, India, Hong Kong, and Bulgaria. You can see more of Petya's works on her Facebook page.

Petya Shmarova Masterclass 1 - Meadow Crush
This is Petya's proposed design for the April visit. Please check again for her fresh designs on her next visit.
Each student will create and take home the following flowers and foliage made out of wafer paper only:
One Sunflower with foliage
A few twigs with Bleeding Heart Vine
Techniques to cover
💥 conditioning wafer paper by using water
💥 making sunflower centres from wafer paper
💥 creating bleeding heart vine flowers in different stages
💥 applying calyx
💥 shaping without silicon veiners
💥 adding texture with silicon veiners
💥 applying wire
💥 different ways of colouring
💥 creating realistic foliage
💥 working with different thickness wafer paper
💥 how to cut wafer paper
💥 how to use templates
Petya will share her colour theory understanding as well as arranging ideas.
📌 The tuition fee includes the Certificate and all materials.
📌 All materials and tools are provided during class.
📌 The end time is just a rough estimate and will vary depending on actual progress.

Petya Shmarova Masterclass 2 - Cottage Charm
This is Petya's proposed design for the April visit. Please check again for her fresh designs on her next visit.
Each student will create and take home the following flowers and foliage made out of wafer paper only:
One Peony Coral Charm
One Open Garden Rose
Few twigs with peony foliage
Techniques to cover
💥 conditioning wafer paper by using water
💥 making two different centres from wafer paper
💥 creating stamen from wafer paper
💥 applying calyx
💥 shaping without silicon veiners
💥 adding texture with silicon veiners
💥 applying wire
💥 different ways of colouring
💥 creating realistic foliage
💥 how to cut wafer paper
💥 how to use templates
Petya will share her colour theory understanding as well as arranging ideas.
📌 The tuition fee includes the Certificate and all materials.
📌 All materials and tools are provided during class.
📌 The end time is just a rough estimate and will vary depending on actual progress.

Petya Shmarova Masterclass 3 - Fragrant Sunset
This is Petya's proposed design for the April visit. Please check again for her fresh designs on her next visit.
Each student will create and take home the following flowers and foliage made out of wafer paper only:
One two-tone Rose
One Ranunculus
One/two Poppies
Twigs with Oncidium Orchids
A twig with olive foliage
Rose foliage
Techniques to cover
💥 conditioning wafer paper by using water
💥 making 3 different types of centres from wafer paper
💥 creating stamen from wafer paper
💥 applying calyx
💥 shaping without silicon veiners
💥 adding texture with silicon veiners
💥 applying wire
💥 different ways of colouring
💥 creating realistic foliage
💥 working with different thickness wafer paper
💥 how to cut wafer paper
💥 how to use templates
Petya will share her colour theory understanding as well as arranging ideas.
📌 The tuition fee includes the Certificate and all materials.
📌 All materials and tools are provided during class.
📌 The end time is just a rough estimate and will vary depending on actual progress.